Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunny Summer Days

 Sunny Summer  Days

The older I get the more forgiving I am towards youth's follies ,nature's beauty and the passing of time.No , I still cannot forgive war ,politics, ill intended  religious ignorance and stupidity, violence, women's repression, bad manners and ..bad art. There is a limit to my acceptance, of course.

I used to think that worth young people ,should be serious and well behaved ,the bright image of their future self, the pride of their schools, parents and countries, on their fragile shoulders leaning the future of the planet. Somehow I still do.

Nature's frail beauty was to me something abstract , the picture perfect setting to more important things like science, culture, goodness of superior intelligence .

Time passing was the most annoying things of all: only so many hours a day, careers to build, children to be taken care of, homes to be made spotless, art to admire and worst, create, on top of being somebody's wife, somebody's daughter, somebody's best, second.. .friend.Too little time for all this amalgam.

Rarely having time off , to watch plants grow after I planted them, the sun rising between morning daily chores and speedy rides to the other side of the city to work, or watching small insects or birds building nests - the way I used to do when I was small, in rural Romania at my grandparents vineyard, these were the things to do during short summer holidays , or things to read in books, to watch in movies or paintings and photographs, in museums, the way a tourist doesn't have time to enjoy the sites he visits , because he is too busy taking photos or filming what he sees- believe it, it happened to me too.

Recently it occurred to me that the connection with the nature ,we are about to loose now if we don't get up from our sleep, has to do with everything: food, health, future generations, our whole well being.

Time is another dimension of our life , and youth , yes, youth can be laid back, (not lazy ), cool, and not so stressed over the future.The new generation seems that figured all out how to behave and  go for it's share.

In a sunny summer day ,on my way to the studio, listening to a pianist playing on an electronic piano ,the main musical theme from the old movie " Zorba The Greek"  (with Anthony Quinn ), while I was carrying to my studio ,in a ceramic pot ,a beautiful sunflower , I finally got it: Life is Beautiful!!!Why spoil it with endless worries of artificial things? Today I will just listen to the soft part of my mind , enjoy good music , admire my beautiful sunflower and my bright orchids, , will only watch happy birds nesting around on the crevices of old brick walls, in a balmy +28C , here in Toronto!!

                              "Elephant Dub" Acrylic on Canvas 50"x90" by Bianka Guna(backgound )
Yes , and what about some  chocolate  in my ginger lemon tea!!!!
Atta Girl!!!