Thursday, July 5, 2012

Canada Day Weekend

Canada Day Weekend ,July 1st 2012

The New Yorkers , especially the American Abstract Expressionists in the 40's and 50's , were in love with jazz music and were listening to it constantly , as the abstract quality of jazz melodies were so infinite in their possibilities , the way non objective art is.

I tend to listen to jazz much more these  days than ever ( classical music is the other choice of mine).

The long weekend of Canada Day , June 29th- July 1st, this year coincided with the last days of Toronto Jazz Festival , and the wonderful weather made it possible for me to let the windows of my studio , in The Distillery Historic District, open , and let the sounds of divine music get in while I was painting.

The Distillery  being such an artistic hub , attracted a long array of talented musicians and music lovers.

Bossa Nova, Soul, Reggae and variations of  Dub, piano recitals, trios, Kleizmer… we had it all. Trios, solos, string quartets and trumpets bands, samba squads...they all attracted the crowds and it was a memorable experience .

What I observed  is  that when it comes to jazz listeners , you can see the quality of the crowds.

 People visiting my studio - musicians family members, la boheme, young artists and musicians who came to support their performing friends, middle aged intellectuals ( music teachers, ex teachers, designers, film makers), young intellectuals professionals - were all in good  taste. You can tell by the lighten smile on their faces when they enter my studio and they stand in front of my works, that we share the same sensibilitie . I can tell by the way they react and by listening to their comments and questions,  that they appreciate not only good music but they respect visual arts, and they enjoy contemporary art. Definitely my kind of crowds!

                                           "Drama Queen" 2012 Watercolours Series by Bianka Guna, 30"x30"
Happy Canada Day indeed!!!!