Monday, July 9, 2012

The Sad Exit

The Sad Exit

There are people in our lives, who “die” for us, long before they literally do so. First their presence is becoming scarce, then when you meet them the conversations dim, the time you are spending with them on the phone  thins out and the conversations are diluting to almost nothing...until one day, that's it , there is nothing more to be done : they are gone !!!

Some of the reasons this can happen are slipping our hands, like being too far away , or you are moving on in your career or adding members to your family , having new kids or having successful kids when they have failure ones, changing professions, being an only child and being the caretaker for your aging parents....

One of the reasons for losing a friend, is when they are divorcing or becoming widowers. When they suddenly become singles, first you try to continue meeting them with your partner, the way it was done before, but your spouse is slightly getting "bored" to have no "male" interaction so you start meeting your  friend alone , but , after a while, then you feel like you betray your companion by letting them " out of the loop".

But the saddest thing, and it just happened to me a couple of months ago, is when they become ill themselves and they start to act different. You want to "be there" for them , but somehow you are left outside , as immediate members of the family, kids, brothers and sisters , get involved helping them , and you cannot reach them anymore. Calls are not answered, e- mails are ignored, your messages are not replayed .What's to do? Their program is changed, they don't work, they have different schedules, and the treatments leave them frail for gatherings, events. They don't call to say happy birthday, you cannot invite them to your joyous events, as you don't reach them and anyway it's superfluous to be happy when someone isn’t. You don't want to be a pest.A few months later, you are eventually told that they had surgery, or a long chemotherapy series of treatments, but they are tired to meet you, or have some common activities. They resent you not being there for them, when they needed you, you feel you were left out of the loop...It's not the same as before, it's the end of your friendship.

Nothing lasts forever , but sometimes ties are cut at moments when you least expected, life is taking you by surprise !
                                  "Drama Queen" 2012 Series, W/C on W/C paper by Bianka Guna 30"x30"